Munly & The Lupercalians/Josephine Foster

Sun, Apr 21


MUNLY & THE LUPERCALIANS’ is Munly’s second side project, which was started around 2006–2007. The original lineup of the band included many, if not all, members of the Lee Lewis Harlots.[49] The current lineup contains most of the current members of Slim Cessna’s Auto Club: Munly, Slim Cessna, Lord Dwight Pentacost, Rebecca Vera, and Andrew Warner. On stage, each band member, except for Munly, wears a costume that identifies them as a member of the fictional town of ‘Lupercalia.’

The goal is to produce a multi-album set tentatively titled The Kinnery Of Lupercalia, which is all about the town and its colorful residents. Its residents have been described as “families who interact with each other”[6] and Lupercalia as an “imagined community of Legions & clans where we are not sure who is a deity and who is not.”[56]

Although an unauthorized demo album was released in 2009,[57] the first official album by the band, Petr & the Wulf, was released in October 2010 through Alternative Tentacles.[53] It was re-released through their own independent record label, SCAC Unincorporated, around 2015. The work is loosely based on the Peter and the Wolf composition by Sergei Prokofiev, and is said to be a prequel to the stories of Lupercalia told over a span of four albums.[9]

In September 2019, BandWagon Magazine reported that the Lupercalians were recording a new album,[59] although most of it was actually already written in 2012, perhaps earlier.[6] According to an interview with the Denver Post, 36 songs were written as of 2006.[51]

JOSEPHINE FOSTER is a Colorado-born artist whose songwriting draws from far corners of the musical spectrum to form a truly singular body of work. She says her craft is strongly shaped by “Tin Pan Alley on my maternal side, rock and roll on my paternal side, Western folk music by birth, art-song and classical music via my adolescent passions.

Headliners Munly & The Lupercalians Josephine Foster